IRD PIN Request Detail

Online Request For IRD PIN

The IRD PIN is an unique identification number issued to both individual and non-individual (e.g. Companies, Partnership etc.) to access IRD eService at IRD Tax Portal.

Please note that system will not process subsequent online requests for IRD PIN if your last accepted or processed online request was made within the last 7 working days.

This form takes about 5 minutes to complete. Please have the particulars (e.g. TIN and contact number etc.) ready before you apply.

Application Form

Email mode: The IRD PIN will be e-mailed to your address registered with and maintained by IRD. IRD PIN email will be sent to your registered email address within few minutes. If your entered email address is not matched with registered email address with IRD, you will not be qualified to proceed this mode.

Postal mode:If you have not updated your / your entity’s registered email address in RAMIS profile, the IRD PIN requested via Postal Mode can be obtained on the following working day itself by contacting the Primary Registration Unit via with your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and PIN request Acknowledgement Number. It is essential to attach the following documents while contacting the Primary Registration Unit.

  • NIC Copy / Valid Passport Copy (for individuals)
  • Partnership Registration Certificate and NIC of the partner requesting (for Partnerships)
  • Incorporation Certificate and NIC copy of the director requesting (for Companies)
  • NIC copy of the Principal Officer requesting (for other entities Ex: NGOs, Trust, Govt. Institutions etc.)

  • For updating the registered email address to obtain PIN by email mode, contact the Customer Information Update Unit via with your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and attaching the relevant documents as listed above.


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